Thursday, September 3, 2020

District Attorney Cynthia Zimmer criticizes a Superior Court judge for going soft on crime, Wool Grower's opens for outdoor dining and longtime tennis pro Hank Pfister prepares to retire

Welcome to Bakersfield Observed. Our mission is to celebrate life in Kern County by focusing on newsmakers and events and the local characters who make this community such a special place. The views expressed here are strictly my own and do not represent any other company or publication.

 * ... CYNTHIA ZIMMER: District Attorney Cynthia Zimmer has come under fire for criticizing a Superior Court judge for alleged having a "pro criminal bias" when handing down sentencing. The Criminal Defense Bar of Kern County said Zimmer's comment "undermines the public's confidence in the judicial system and is affront to the principles reflected in the Constitution." A statement went on to say

that "these comments instill fear in and pressure on all judges to act in accordance with the prosecutions wishes or face unfair attacks on their integrity." Zimmer has defended her statements and said the public should be well informed about where judges stand on crime and sentencing.

 * ... WOOL GROWERS: KC Steakhouse has enjoyed good success with its "Stockyard" outdoor dining, and now Woolgrowers has introduced its own version of that called the "Sheep Camp." The popular Basque eatery said seating was limited and it urged customers to make reservations.

 * ... SPOTTED ON TWITTER: "While I was talking to a young colleague the other day I discovered that she's never seen 'Pulp Fiction.' As I prepared to exclaim my disbelief, I realized SHE HADN'T YET BEEN BORN WHEN IT WAS RELEASED."

 * ... RETIREMENT: Congratulations to Hank Pfister, the longtime tennis pro at Stockdale Country Club who is retiring in October. Once one of the top ranked singles players in the world, Pfister enjoyed a long career on the professional circuit before returning to Bakersfield where he eventually landed at Stockdale Country Club. Pfister said he and his wife, Kim, plan to spend time at a ranch they purchased in the lower Sierras. At one time Pfister was ranked No. 12 in the world in professional tennis.

 * ... RIP FRANK HOOVER: Former Kern County Superior Court Judge Frank Hoover died this week, leaving a legacy for honesty, wit and treating everyone with dignity. For a time Hoover presided a "drug court" where he was known for his equitable treatment of people dealing with difficult times. His son posted this on Facebook: "Maybe during these hard times, with the pandemic, ever growing political division, and natural disasters, we can pay homage to the memory of Frank Hoover by taking a moment to reflect on his belief that, ultimately, we are all human, that we all need to be loved, we all deserve to be treated with dignity and belonging, and that by giving it we can make real and lasting difference in the lives of people around us. Can you think of someone today that needs to hear from you? Can you think of anyone that would benefit from being given a hand up?"

 * ... MEMORIES: I picked up this old photo of the area that became Lake Isabella off the Kern County History Fans Facebook page. The picture dates from July, 1927.

 * ... MORE MEMORIES: And how about this classic shot of Chester Avenue, looking toward the clock tower, in the mid 1930s? Courtesy of the Kern County of Old Facebook page.

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