Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Fire warnings are issued for dry as a tinder box California, Kyle Carter eyes running for mayor and just why in the world do we allow fireworks during a drought?

 * ... DROUGHT: Four years of drought have left huge parts of California forests dry as a tinder box, and no where is it worse than east of Fresno. According to a story by Bee reporter Mark Grossi, "California waits in dread of the next big wildfire. Ground zero is east of Fresno in the southern Sierra, home to Yosemite and Sequoia and Kings Canyon national parks as wells as the last native
giant sequoia groves on the planet." Grossi said the mountain communities are a big concern, and noted  "the forestry and fire protection board adopted an emergency rule bypassing usual procedures so private landowners can quickly remove dead and dying trees. It is expected to take effect July 11."

 * ... FIREWORKS: It's amazing to me that Kern County still allows fireworks, given the drought and predictable fires that they cause, but Jim Milledge says it's really not that difficult to understand. "It's not about the drought, air pollution or possible injury to people, animals, or property," he wrote. "It is the all mighty dollar first and foremost. Sales will never be stopped."

* ... OVERHEARD: Steven Barnes of Barnes Wealth Management was in Popy's Deli and Market when he overheard two men discussing the house that was severely damaged by illegal fireworks this weekend. "When one found out how the fire started, he immediately stated, 'Oh Lois Henry will get on that!'"

 * ... SPOTTED: I saw this on Twitter: "When life throws me a curveball, I try to duck so it hits someone else."

 * .. KYLE CARTER: I ran into Kyle Carter and his wife, Kim, over the July Fourth weekend. The former home builder is focused on wrapping up a major remodel of a recording studio to create a Bakersfield Music Hall of Fame venue off 21st Street. It looks like the this project is still a few months off, but it promises to be impressive. And Carter, a big proponent of redevelopment and bringing new businesses downtown, reiterated that we can expect him to run for mayor next year. (file photos of Kyle and Kim Carter)

 * ... BAD FORM: After sharing 10 tacos and burritos at the downtown Taco Bell (yes, I counted), two women in their late 20s hop into their white SUV and head onto 24th Street, but not before casually tossing their napkins out the driver's side window.

 * ... SCAM: Are you ready for yet another scam? This one comes in an official looking email claiming to be from Discover Card. It threatens suspending your card privileges unless you "click" on a link and provide personal information. Reader Mary Hazzard knew better but passed this on to warn others.

*...  LIE-N -DEN: Did you know that the Lie-N-Den, the famous Bakersfield restaurant off Niles that some people think offers the best burger in town, was opened in 1948? Bob Bryant is about to celebrate 10 years of ownership of the landmark eatery, whose original name was Otto's, Home of the Whopper.

 * ...  BAKERSFIELDISM: You know you're from Bakersfield "if someone asks you where you're from and instead of saying Bakersfield, you say,'"Um, a little north of Los Angeles, just over the mountain.'"

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