Thursday, September 4, 2014

Valley Republic Bank sponsors another Latination at The Metro Galleries, remembering the comedic genius of Joan Rivers and lamenting more deaths from drunk driving

 * … LATINATION: It's the biggest First Friday of the year this week and Metro Galleries on 19th Street is having its 6th annual exhibit Latination. Metro owner Don Martin tells me that this has been the best
year of entries overall and that the judges had a difficult time picking their top choices. In six short years this event has become something of a Bakersfield tradition. As always, you can expect Luis Aguilar and his restaurant El Pueblo serving the food and drinks and popular local band Mento Buru performing throughout the evening. For the second year in a row I will be presenting the top three awards along with KERO-TV 23 anchor Jackie Parks.

   * … JOAN: RIP Joan Rivers, a woman whose sharp wit and humor left us laughing. Three of my favorite Joan Rivers jokes: "The first time I see a jogger smiling, I’ll consider it… My best birth control now is just to leave the lights on... I've had so much plastic surgery, when I die, they will donate my body to Tupperware."

 * … DRUNK DRIVING: Suzanne Bierley was one of a handful of readers who wrote to express their outrage at the number of deaths caused by accidents involving drunk drivers. "The laws must be tougher on drunk drivers! The horrific accident on Rosedale Highway early Saturday morning may not have happened if stricter penalties were imposed the first time. What is it going to take? Sure we will put out candles, balloons and stuffed animals at the scene – but that does not account for the two lives that were unnecessarily taken from their family and friends. What about six months in jail and $15,000 fine for first offenders and it goes up from there? Too many innocent victims are dying because someone wants to irresponsibly drink and then get into a car. My heart goes out to the three passengers and their families."

 * … GOOD FORM: Florence Diaz asked me to thank the anonymous Good Samaritan who aided her when she took a tumble. "There is an angel walking around the Southwest part of town." she wrote. "I don't know her name but I would like to thank her profusely for staying with me during my unfortunate spill in front of Von's at the Marketplace. She not only stayed with me, but she got a friend to pick up her daughter after school, called 911, and informed my son of the accident. I'm sorry I didn't get her name in all the confusion. I wanted to thank her and let her know how much she is appreciated."

 * … COKE, NOT PEPSI: And speaking of Good Samaritans, I singled out John Moralez the other day for single handedly directing traffic at an accident site. The problem, a witness identified him as a driver for Pepsi. His wife, Donna Moralez, told me he works for Coca-Cola, not a small distinction in the beverage industry.

 * … GRAMMAR: The University of Oklahoma was left red faced this past weekend when it ran an advertisement on its academic programs but misspelled a word in the process. While beating Louisiana Tech in football, the university ran a banner advertisement reading: "You're degree is within reach." Ouch.

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