* ... TRASH: Bonnie Farrer sent me a digital picture of a pile of trash sitting near a tree at the top of Elm Street below Golden State Freeway. "A week ago I flagged down a city truck and asked them to clean this up. Their reply was 'that’s the county’s job.' The county said it was Caltrans' job. I called Caltrans and they said it’s the city’s job. I was glad to read in your column that Colorado doesn’t have this problem."
* ... MORE TRASH: And speaking of trash, Jon Crawford added these thoughts: "I believe most would say the trashiest portion of our local freeways, which probably rates in the top ten in the USA, would be east-bound I-58 from Highway 99 to the off ramp to Bena Dump. I’ve thought the problem was with improperly covered private trucks hauling yard trash. However, I wonder if our government-controlled trash trucks aren’t a big problem, as we followed two 'empt'” city trash trucks into town from Bena as they dumped one or two pieces of trash every mile along I-58. Perhaps much of our trashy freeways is a result of governmental contributions. Physician heal thyself!"
* ... SPOTTED: Actor Kevin Costner, who is in Kern County making a movie about the McFarland High School track team, was spotted at The Padre Hotel Friday morning, talking on his cell phone outside the Farmacy coffee bar.
* ... GOOD FORM: Hats off once again to Dr. Ravi Patel and his staff at the Comprehensive Blood and Cancer Center. Last week the center held its 25th Anniversary Celebration of Life for cancer survivors and their families. Said Debra Banducci, who attended: "The carnival atmosphere was uplifting and fun for everyone involved. The speakers were inspiring and the food and drink, delicious. The campus was especially beautiful after its new renovation, and as always, Dr. Patel and his staff were available to greet and talk to those in attendance.
* ... ACHIEVERS: I got a call from proud grand mother Christine Nichols who updated me on her two grandsons. Josh Medrano, a 2006 Centennial High graduate, just graduated from the Navy's Nuclear Power Program in Goose Creek, S.C., while his brother, Frontier graduate Matthew Medrano, is studying agronomy at the University of Kentucky.
1 comment:
Richard, this is Sal Moretti again, Superintendent for the City's Solid Waste Division, responding to a couple of blogs about trash:
Regarding your first writer's comment about trash at Elm St. near Golden State, that location was scheduled for cleanup this Wednesday. That location is one of six locations Tom Burch and his "Retiree's Group" cleans up on a schedule every Wednesday. The volunteer group cleaning it up, the "Retirees Group" would love to have the writer's help cleaning these kinds of hot spots up. She can check out the Keep Bakersfield Beautiful website calendar to see where Tom Burch and his retiree group clean up every Wednesday and sign up. Your blog suggests different agencies passed the buck when it comes to cleaning up litter. Picking up litter is everyone's job!
Regarding the trash trucks littering I have some very important new developments to report: The Kern Council of Governments and the Kern County Sheriff's Office have just entered into an agreement that funds enforcement of litter violations on our freeways. So whether you're driving a trash truck or just a pick up truck with trash in the back or any kind of uncovered load, be aware that law enforcement is out there NOW in force and solely for the purpose of finding and citing litter violaters.
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