* ... FAITH: A recent national survey by Pew Research showed the number of Americans who don't belong to a church has jumped to a near record high, yet most of these people still believe in God. Why is organized religion turning so many people off? On Monday, Monsignor Craig Harrison will join me on Californian Radio 1180- to talk about the role of faith in our society and how churches can bring the faithful back to church. We'll start our discussion at 9:15 a.m.
* ... SPOTTED: Daniel Dixon was driving east on Olive Drive between Roberts Lane and Airport Drive when he spotted a Postal Service mail carrier stop to assist a man in a wheelchair crossing the road. "Just a reminder that whatever the shortcomings of the U.S. Postal Service, it's not a lack of good, compassionate people."
* ... CAMP KEEP: Hats off to a group of local PG and E staffers who headed over to Camp KEEP's ocean campus to provide plants, dirt and gravel for a new native garden, designed by Rotarian Wade Nomura. The new garden will provide a hands-on environment for the thousands of local 5th and 6th graders who visit KEEP each year.
* ... EAST HIGH: The East Bakersfield High School class of 1962 recently celebrated its 50th reunion, and Tena (Stokes) Mathis wrote to thank several classmates who helped make it happen. "I would like to acknowledge two current staff members of EBHS - Jenepher Lapp and Mike Warner - who organized a campus tour, led by the choir and the entire marching band entertaining us at the Bakersfield Country Club... A big thank you to the students and the educators, who made a bunch of old people feel young again!"
* ... FOOD CHAIN: Gary Corbell's son learned something about the food chain recently when half his gold fish in an outdoor turtle tank went missing. "(One) evening after our son arrived home from work, he spotted an egret perched on the side of his turtle tank but was able to scare him off before loosing any more fish. Online he found this is a common problem for outdoor tanks. He decided to place netting across the top of the tank but before he could get that done - zap, the rest of the fish disappeared. Proves that old saying ... never to old to learn something new."
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