* ... SPCA: If you are a regular reader of this blog you know how fond I am of our local SPCA, which fights a daily battle to provide homes for abandoned dogs and cats. The organization will hold its 3rd Annual "Furry Paws and Foggy Nights" formal dinner with live music set for Friday, February 24, at the Petroleum Club, from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. Spokesman Chuck Nordstrom told me there will be a three course dinner, jazz music and a ton of silent auction items. Tickets are $85 and are available now by calling (661) 323-8353 ext. 2. Additionally they are still accepting donations for the silent auction. To donate just call the SPCA and ask for Chuck. Formal dinners not for you? You might consider writing them a check for all the good they do.
* ... SPOTTED: Pamela M. Wagner brought this nugget to my attention: "I was refueling my car one morning at a Chevron station when I saw the driver of a pickup empty her can of Coors light into her travel cup as she visited with her passenger. Some people are innovative when they want to drink and drive. "
* ... FIRST FRIDAY: It's time for another First Friday, those monthly celebrations that have really transformed our downtown arts district. These are chances to support the downtown merchants while seeing some wonderful art and hearing some dynamic music. Don Martin, owner of Metro Galleries on 19th Street, is the founder of First Friday and says they will run all year this year. So mark on your calendar and make a night of it in our emerging arts district.
* ... HISTORY: Here's a walk down memory lane with reader Jack Hood, who shares a bit of history on old Bakersfield. His parents purchased a new house on Parkway Drive in 1927. It was 1,350 square feet with three bedrooms, one bath and a two-car detached garage. The price: $6,000. At that time, all the land west of Oak Street was undeveloped. As a child, he and his friends would hop a fence and occasionally ride sheep. "There was no air conditioning or coolers.... To get ice for our ice box we would put a sign in the front window letting the ice man know if we wanted 25 or 50 pounds of ice." He also recalls the street cars that cost only a nickel to ride. "The street car had controls on each end and when it came to the end of the line it would not turn around, so the conductor would walk down the aisle and reverse the seats so that you would always be facing forward while riding." Thanks to Jack for sharing those memories.
* ... SHORT TAKES: Scott Strickland is the owner of Sully's Chevron station over at Buena Vista and Ming avenue, where a customer complained about being charged more for gas than what was advertised. Strickland apologized, told me the digital signage is now fixed and smoothed things over with the irate customer. Also, I erred in an earlier post on the death of Rev. Glenn Puder, saying the great earthquake happened in 1953 when it should have been a year earlier. Mea cupla.
"Mea cuploa?" Do you mean mea culpa?
Thanks for pointing out the spelling error
"Mea cupla?"
Is that the same as a couple of meas?
Maybe you mean "Mea culpa"?
Seems like it would be OK to correct the spelling errors of correspondents. It's "aisle," rather than "isle."
Spell check is a glorious thing.
Perhaps Mr. Hood means "Park Way." There is no "Parkway Drive" in Bakersfield as far as I know.
Sully's is owned and operated by Sullivan's Petroleum Company and the Sullivan family. Mr. Strickland was the store manager not the owner.
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