Saturday, January 29, 2011

McCarthy: over regulation and taxation are killing jobs

 Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Bakersfield) gives us his weekly report. In his words:

 "The snow in DC made headlines across the country, but I was lucky enough to make it back home to attend Downtown Bakersfield Rotary on Thursday.  ‪I discussed our country's long-term fiscal future and the immediate steps that are needed to revitalize our economy.

 "It was a busy week in Washington, with the President delivering the State of the Union. There is no question he is talented at giving a speech, but I was disappointed he didn’t seem to focus on issues that will help to create jobs and get government spending under control.  His speech also highlighted a stark choice that will face the American people in deciding what path to take on our future. Should we allow more government interference in our lives or empower people to make their own decisions?  As a former small business owner, the clear path to me is to get government out of the way of job creation and a renewed economy.‪

 "First, we cannot continue to spend more money than we take in.  On Wednesday, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a report that projects that if current policies are left in place, the federal government will run a shocking $1.5 trillion deficit in 2011.  Not really the news I wanted to get on my birthday.  It’s clear we have to make tough decisions today, rather than kicking the can down the road and jeopardizing the future. ‪That’s why Republicans have started fulfilling our Pledge to America by voting to cut our own budget by 5% to save taxpayers millions, passing legislation to eliminate the costly and unnecessary printing of Congressional bills, and voting to repeal the government takeover of health care, which could cost more than $2.6 trillion once implemented.  We also passed a resolution directing the House Budget and Appropriations Committees to reduce spending to pre-stimulus, pre-bailout levels, which will save billions of dollars. ‪

 "Second, we need to allow individuals and entrepreneurs to succeed. Over regulation and taxation are killing jobs in California and across the country. Just this week, the Californian’s editorial board ran a piece referencing a Small Business Administration report that found “federal regulations cost companies with 20 or fewer workers $10,500 per employee.”  That’s why I support the Regulations from the Executive In Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act, which would stop harmful regulations from being put in place by requiring new major rules proposed by the Executive branch to be approved by Congress before it can be implemented.‪  This is just common sense legislation that will help create jobs.

 "Looking forward to seeing you soon, and I hope the fog will lift, though my kids are hoping for more fog delays.

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