Saturday, September 18, 2010

McCarthy to Pelosi: call a vote on extending tax relief

 Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Bakersfield) give us his weekly report from Capitol Hill. In his own words:

 "The Canyon Fire is expected to be contained this weekend. This year has been an active wildfire season, and I am glad to hear of the great cooperation between local, state and federal agencies that are working
so hard to protect our local communities from any further damage and that FEMA is being responsive to requests for fire management assistance grants.‬

  "Congress was back in session this week.  My colleagues and I called on Speaker Pelosi to hold a straight up or down vote on extending tax relief to all Americans and small business instead of raising taxes on
January 1, 2010. As I hear from local small business owners, it makes no sense to raise taxes during an economic recession. So far at least 38 Democrats have come out and supported this same extension.
  "Unfortunately, this week the Administration requested $20 billion more in federal spending from Congress before the year ends.  What our country needs is certainty for at least the next two years, not more of the unknown and unpredictable in government spending and higher taxes. ‪‬

  "Last week I updated you on the YouCut and how my colleagues and I have offered over $120 billion in spending cuts to date.  This week, the American people voted that Congress should collect $1 billion in
unpaid 2008 taxes from 97,000 delinquent federal employees; unfortunately the current majority overruled this common-sense fiscally responsible action on Thursday.  ‪‬

‪ "Saturday I will be out at Mojave Air and Space Port to celebrate its 75th anniversary.  This is a unique place, playing a significant role in cutting-edge research and development in the air and space field.
We are fortunate to have such a place in our backyard and California should place more of a priority on keeping and attracting the kinds of businesses at Mojave that produce the new technologies that will keep
America number one in high-tech innovation. ‪‬

‪ "Today is Constitution Day. On this day, the Founders signed our Constitution. My offices handed out pocket constitutions in honor of the day, which is officially recognized every September 17th by
Congress.  If you were not able to stop by and would still like a copy, call my office: 327-3611. ‬

‪ "As you may recall from earlier columns, over the past couple of months, citizens from all over the country have been providing input through the project.  We have listened to the
American people and today we released a summary entitled, “What We Heard” which reports on the priorities that Americans want included in the new governing agenda that will help get America back on successful path towards the future for the sake of future generations.  This new policy agenda will be unveiled in the coming weeks and I will be sure to keep you updated. Also this weekend the League of Dreams 2010
Basketball season kicks off on Sunday.  This is a great program started by Tim Terrio that provides sports opportunities for children with disabilities.‪ 

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