Friday, July 9, 2010

McCarthy: it's still about the jobs, and giving businesses incentives to create the work America needs

  Rep,. Kevin McCarthy (R-Bakersfield) gives his view from Capitol Hill after spending time back home for the Fourth of July. In his words"
 "It was great to be back in California for July 4th.  Two hundred and thirty four years ago, our Founding Fathers threw off the chains of tyranny and founded a new nation based on individual liberty and freedom, and planted the seed for what has grown into the greatest and freest nation in history.  I hope everyone was able to enjoy some time off with their families.  My son Connor and I had a great time white water rafting in Kernville.

  "Tuesday, I visited one of Bakersfield’s own small businesses, Townsend Design.  Townsend produces knee braces for orthopedic-related injuries for patients in the U.S. and around the world.  While there, the
employees shared with me the economic challenges and obstacles they face every day.  In the afternoon, I hosted a round table discussion with members of the Greater Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce to discuss the challenges facing our local and state economy.  California needs jobs desperately, and one way we can do that is by getting serious about improving our national business climate.  Even more discouraging, on Wednesday, our national debt grew by $166 billion in one day, the 3rd largest increase in our nation’s history.  Adding more debt to our already weakened economy is not the path to getting our financial house back in order.  We need to remove the burdens that prevent small businesses from doing what they do best – create jobs.

  "Wednesday, I filled in for Jaz McKay at KNZR.  During the show we had some great guests, including former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, and we talked about a variety of topics, including his new
book, To Save America.  Other guests included two members of Congress, Steve Scalise from Louisiana and Duncan Hunter from San Diego. Congressman Scalise’s district is on the coast in Louisiana, and while
on the show, he discussed the importance of containing the oil spill in the open water, before it gets into the marshland and further harms the ecosystem.  When Congressman Hunter–who represents California’s
52nd district—called in, we discussed our current strategy in Afghanistan. 
 "The Congressman is a former Marine who served two tours in Iraq, and believes that by setting a timeline for a withdrawal from Afghanistan, we could lower our troops' morale and allow the enemy to wait us out.  It’s no doubt, our nation faces tremendous challenges, but as Ronald Reagan said, “the security of our country…depends on more than weapons.  We must have the will to meet challenges of an
adversary who is constantly testing our resolve to defend our vital national interests.”

"Also, summer interns started this week in both the District and D.C. offices.  Kasey Astakhova, a Stockdale graduate and a junior at Cornell working on a degree in History, joined the District office team; Hannah Beene, daughter of this blog’s founder, and another Stockdale graduate, joined the D.C. team.  Hannah is currently a junior at University of Michigan, double majoring in Spanish and Political Science.

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