Saturday, April 17, 2010

McCarthy: tax and spending endangers the futures of our children. Time for control.

 Rep. Kevin McCarthy  (R-Bakersfield) gives us his week in review from Capitol Hill. In his words"

 "The Wall Street Journal's Stephen Moore wrote in a recent essay: “a society that cares about the future of its children does not run up massive debts for those children to pay off in the future.”   Now let’s put that principle in the context of Congress.  Did you know that Congress is required by law to pass an annual Federal budget resolution or blueprint for setting spending and taxation levels in the upcoming year by every April 15th?  In fact, the House has never failed to pass a budget resolution since rules requiring one were put
in place in 1974.
  Unfortunately, this year is different.

  April 15th came and went, and now Democratic leaders are considering altogether skipping the annual requirement of debating and passing a budget resolution.  Why Congress thinks it gets a pass on making tough
budgeting decisions when American families are doing just that to make ends meet is beyond me.  So if House Democrats choose this route, one should wonder if they have any plans to tackle the estimated $1.5
trillion deficit this year, or are they just going to go along with the President’s suggested budget proposal? The President's proposal, which is his blueprint for the upcoming year, would increase government spending to $3.8 trillion for FY 2011 and result in annual deficits of no less than $700 billion over the next decade.
  Additionally, the Federal publicly-held debt would expand to $20.2 trillion or 90% of GDP by 2020.  This is unsustainable and is why my colleagues and I sent a letter to the Speaker asking her to ensure the  House considers a budget resolution for the sake of the American taxpayer.  If there is no blueprint, how can we seriously address spending, deficits, and the debt?

  "Washington’s outrageous deficit spending is like sweeping dirt under the rug.  Last week both the Congressional Budget Office Director and Federal Reserve Chairman warned our current fiscal direction as a
country is “unsustainable” and tough choices lay ahead for Congress. Unfortunately, Democrats are poised sweep more dirt under the rug--I say it's time to clean house.

  "Our country’s future depends on Congress changing course--away from its unaccountable and irresponsible tax and spend policies that endanger our children’s future and the continuing strength of our country.  My colleagues and I look forward to engaging all Americans in the near future to produce solutions that are not from Washington to put our financial house in order and get our economy back on track.
  "I’ll be sure to let you know when this new initiative is launched because I want your input.

  "It was good to see Nick Bikakis from Bakersfield, a veteran of the Gulf War, he and his family were visiting Washington this week.  Call my office for tours if coming for a visit.  This weekend is the State Forensics Competition at BC and I look forward to meeting all the bright high school students who are taking part.

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