* ... A TRIBUTE TO RAY: Local planning consultant Dave Dmohowski tipped me to yet another tribute bestowed on Ray Dezember, the longtime retired local banker turned philanthropist affectionately known by his friends as "Mr. Bakersfield." Ray and his wife Joan have been involved with or supported about every civic and non-profit effort in town, but I've always known he had a special place in his heart for his beloved Whittier College. It should come as no surprise that Ray has been a huge supporter of the school, and recently was among five individuals who were cited as "remarkable trustees." Both Ray and Joan graduated from Whittier, where Ray served as student body president and captain of the Whittier Poets football team. He has served on its Board of Trustees since 1970, chaired a $70 million capital campaign and was awarded a distinguished service medal from the school faculty. Just another example of the generosity of this amazing couple.
* ... FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Sherry Kelley, vice president of the Friends of the Kern County Library, reminded me that the organization's annual used book sale will be held March 10-13 at the Beale Library. All funds go to the Kern County library branches for programs and circulating material. The group is always looking for books and audio video material for its sales. It will be spring soon, so it's time to throw out those hard covers and donate to this worthy cause.
* ... BAKO OR BAKERSWEED: Jamie Butow, a work colleague who recently moved here from Visalia, had this to say about Bakersfield's many nicknames. "My cousin is flying out here today and texted me with a question while 'roasting' in Phoenix. She referred to Bakersfield as Bako. She lives and owns a hair salon in a very small Colorado town so I asked her where she heard the term. She said my brother (who lives in L.A.) calls it that, and a client of hers who used to live here calls it Bako or Bakersweed. Sounds like we're known as Bako all over!"
* ... THE BUZZ: If you want to see water in our river, don't forget to clip out, sign and mail the coupon in The Californian urging the State Water Resources Control Board to rule in favor of the city's bid to run unappropriated water down the historic Kern River. There are few things that would make a more positive impact on our community, and it could be done without harming farmers. So if you have not already done so, find the coupon, sign it and mail it in. It has to be received by next Tuesday, so do it today, or drop it off at the Californian Monday morning and we will handle it from there.
As president of Whittier College, I was delighted to come across your mention of Ray and Joan Dezember. You captured their generous spirit well, and they are two of the most self-effacing people I know -- always applauding others and downplaying the remarkably transformative effect they have on their communities. Thanks for featuring this great couple. Sharon Herzberger
A few years ago I served on a local non profit board and without asking Ray and Joan sent us a check - totally unsolicited. They are wonderful people.
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