Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Bakersfield) posts his thoughts on the week ended and the week ahead. In his words:

"Recently, I co-sponsored bipartisan legislation that would extend a tax credit for small businesses that help our soldiers by paying the difference between the salary a service member would have earned
working for his or her current small business employer and the salary he or she receives when called up to active duty. Our brave military men and women shouldn’t have to wrestle with being hit financially
when they are defending our freedom and many small businesses have worked to address this. Extending this tax credit is the right thing to do.
"In case you missed it late last Saturday night, Speaker Pelosi pressured just enough Democrats (219) to pass her misguided health care bill (H.R. 3962) that could lead to a government takeover of healthcare. I was opposed to this bill and will continue to fight so it doesn’t become law. If you were still watching C-SPAN, the 1,990 page bill barely passed around 11:15 pm D.C. time at the expense of our
local valley families and small businesses. The strongest bipartisan vote was actually a vote against Speaker Pelosi’s bill, as 39 Democrats joined 176 Republicans to oppose final passage of Speaker Pelosi’s bill. "There is a better way forward and that is why my colleagues and I put forward a bill that could save families $5,000 per year off premiums, when compared to Speaker Pelosi’s health care bill. From a local perspective, over 70% of those who subscribe to my e-mail newsletter list also opposed Speaker Pelosi’s bill and approved the Republican solutions. This health care vote exemplifies many other votes this Congress has taken to drive up record deficits through bailouts and risky spending programs and leave our children and grandchildren with record debt.
"Now, the bill will be debated in the Senate, as early as this coming week. I will continue to fight to ensure any reform helps bring down health care costs, all without raising taxes and spending trillions of taxpayer dollars Tomorrow, I look forward to being there when Evan Morgan opens the front door to his new home that Homes for Troops built for him and his family. Evan will receive the keys to this new house as a small contribution for the life-altering sacrifice he made in order to protect our freedom. Please join us if you can tomorrow to say thank you to Evan at 11am at 9710 Fitzgerald Drive.