Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Bakersfield) is back home for a couple weeks so no doubt we'll all see him around town at various events. Here's an update from Kevin in his words:
"I am back home in Bakersfield for the next two weeks conducting meetings and holding events during this district work period. I will be holding some small business listening forums in our communities to discuss solutions that preserve and create jobs. We know that small businesses create 70% of the jobs in our economy. It should be common sense for Congress to pass legislation that creates, not inhibits, small businesses – creating small businesses creates more jobs! As a former small business owner of Kevin O's Deli, I know that small businesses provide needed local jobs.
"Another event that I look forward to is presenting three World War II veterans and one Korean War veteran with medals they rightly deserve, but have not received. This will take place this Monday, April 13th at 10 a.m. at the Kern Veterans Memorial on Truxtun Avenue. America owes those that wore the uniform to protect our country a debt of gratitude for their service and sacrifice.
"As a follow up to the budget discussion last week, I wanted to share some news about a survey I sent through email. Some of you might have received this email from me asking a few questions regarding the $3.6 trillion federal budget that was voted on in Congress. If you did not receive that email, you can sign up for these email updates on my website.
Here is what I heard back from those that participated in the short survey:
* 89% of those who responded did not support the budget the House passed, which will run up our country’s deficit more than all other budgets in U.S. history. (I too did not support this budget and instead voted for a more responsible budget alternative).
* 78% of those who responded supported the alternative budget many of my colleagues and I supported, but failed to pass the House, that spends significantly less than the budget that passed the House.
* 87% of those that responded supported a budget that focuses on small business job creation rather than a budget that focuses almost entirely on government spending.
* 92% of those that responded do not support a budget that ended up borrowing more from foreign countries like China, that will double our national debt in five years.
"I believe that our country cannot afford to continue to spend and borrow like this since it will stunt economic growth and likely lead to higher taxes, leaving hard working American families with less jobs and a smaller pocketbook. We should work to be more fiscally responsible and focus on smarter government spending on areas most in need. This will control our debt, which will also help create and preserve American jobs.
"I know I mentioned this last week, but I wanted to remind readers that the internship application deadline for college students to intern in my office this summer is next Wednesday, April 15th. Students can apply on my website. Also, for more information about the internship program, you can watch a video I put together, which is also on my website and on my Facebook page.
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