Got a nice note from Teresa Adamo, whose son is among the young musicians on tour with the Bakersfield Youth Symphony in South Korea. (see previous post here) This is a trip of a lifetime for these youngsters. And in a time of budget cutbacks that threaten all music programs, it's heartening to see these kids succeeding. Their achievement should be testament enough to the power and influence of music in a young person's life. To check out the full array of photos go to the youth symphony website here.
1 comment:
Just wanted everyone to know that the Bakersfield Youth Symphony kids have arrived back on U.S. soil safe & sound!
After performing four concerts, learning/doing a Korean cultural craft or other practice each day, touring various sites (including a palace built in the 1300s by the king of Korea's most successful dynasty that went on for 500 years of rule -- yes, I listened to my son's accounts!) of interest, taste testing some "interesting" Korean dishes, all the while living with a host family during the 9-day concert tour.
The mayor of our sister city (Bucheon, Korea) even had custom made tae kwon do uniforms made for each of our BYSO kids! They brought them home with great pride!
After all the fundraising and Mom & Dad funds making this trip possible, it turned out just as everyone hoped: priceless.
Look for more reports & photos on the symphony Web site at: /www.bakersfieldsymphony.org/byso/
And on: www.bakersfieldvoice.com.
Oh, and stay tuned for word on a reciprocating trip to Bakersfield by the Korean Youth Symphony in 2010 ...
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