I've written before about the success of the First Friday event downtown (previous post here)and Don Martin over at Metro Galleries says this week's event should be a good one. First of all, it's spring and the weather is spectacular so the emerging downtown "arts district" should show off well. Second, Martin says his new show opening is stunning, as evidenced by the art shown here. Says Don on his Facebook page promoting the show:
"Please join us on First Friday April 3 for the opening reception of "Red, Hot & Random". Monotypes and etchings by Tina Niswonger. We will also be displaying some of Tina's recent jewelry designs. Live music, wine, hors d' ouerves. Come meet Tina and enjoy a night Downtown!"
Irony of ironies, the Californian promoting this artist, who got a big settlement check from the paper 25 years ago over an employment issue.
I have no idea if what you say is true. But even if is, it wouldn't keep me from promoting things like First Friday and Don Martin's shows, both of which are good for this city and good for everyone who lives here. By the way, this blog represents my views, not The Californian, though I recognize some (like you) may not see it that way.
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